Category Archives: Uncategorized
Conquering the Beast – Where Winning is Eternal
This is where you put what you want. Look on the right. Under “Publish” is “Visibility”. Click “Edit” and check “Sticky”. That makes it “stuck” on the front page. Always turn off “Comments” on every post and page. Under “Appearance” you have an option for “Menus”. Menus capabilities are different for each theme. I don’t know anything about this theme. I just went to the “Manage Locations” tab and turned the menus on. You can edit the base […]
It’s no bull; ministry trains rodeo riders
Scott Mendes, founder and executive director of Western Harvest Ministries, stands in front of the “beginner” bulls used to train aspiring rodeo riders at ministry headquarters on Old Springtown Road. JUDY SHERIDAN June 3, 2011 It’s no bull; ministry trains rodeo riders Judy Sheridan Weatherford Democrat WEATHERFORD — Western Harvest Ministries, a traveling non-profit since 2003, is settling down in a wheat pasture about four miles south of Springtown, but it looks like Founder and Executive Director Scott Mendes may […]
Conquering the Beast enrollment form
Conquering the Beast enrollment form Personal Firstname Lastname Rides as Address Street or PO Box City State Home phone Office phone Cell phone E-mail Experience Have you ever attended a Bull Riding School?Choose OptionYesNo When? What? Where? Who instructed it? How long have you been riding? What level are you currently riding at? Do you have any memberships? Miscellaneous Do you have health insurance? Would you like to learn more about career planning? Are you currently implementing a workout program? […]
Conquering The Beast Training Camps
Conquering The Beast Training Camps “But in all these things we more than conquer through Him who loved us.” Rom 8:37 Conquering the Beast Training Camps are an outreach ministry of Western Harvest Ministries, Inc.. The camps are designed to minister to the needs of both the professional and beginner bull riders. They are instructed by former world champion bull rider Scott Mendes and many other world class professional rodeo athletes. They are unique in the fact that, we attempt […]
How do we challenge young people to challenge themselves, avoid drugs, stay in school and not give up on their dreams?
Conquering The Beast How do we challenge young people to challenge themselves, avoid drugs, stay in school and not give up on their dreams? Bull riding produces a striking visual analogy of the spiritual struggle that rages in the soul of every person, who by nature has a strong tendency to make wrong choices. The bull rider depicts a spiritual victory of “conquering the beast” in the rodeo arena, prevailing over the ferocious animal that is bucking and contorting beneath […]
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